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October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Muzeum Bursztynu, budynekWielkigo Młyna.

Museum of Amber

Gdańsk deserves the title of the World Capital of Amber. Jewellery and utensils of amber have been produced here for centuries. The Museum of Amber displays natural lumps of the resin and its inclusions, as well as finished products, e.g. jewellery, cutlery and chests. The visitor will learn how amber is formed, how it is extracted, what its properties are, and how it has been worked over the ages.

How to get there

Museum address:

Wielkie Młyny 16

80-849 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 6 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM

We are closed on

1st & 6th of January
30th-31st of March
30th of May
1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)
  • 90 day pass all branches - normal
  • 90 day pass all branches - reduced

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 60 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Family ticket - up to 8 people, including 1-2 adults with children under 18.

The main display is divided into two parts. On the first floor you will find the story about amber in nature. The second floor tells the history of amber in culture. The temporary exhibitions will be held on the ground floor.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Wielki Młyn w Gdańsku


The interiors of the building are fully adapted to the need of people with disabilities. People on wheelchairs should enter and exit the building through the doors located on the backyard of the Grand Mill accessible from the Na Piaskach Street. The majority of visitors however will use the entrance located close to the fountain, which accessible from Wielkie Młyny Street. The exit is located close to Na Piaskach Street, directly opposite the St. Catherine's Church.

  • Cloakroom There is a cloakroom near the ticket office.

  • Lift There are two lifts in this historic building. The first one is accessible for tourists and the other for maintenace issues.

  • Toilets Each floor has toilets fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

  • Exhibits Some of the exhibits on the display are devoted to people with sight disabilities. The reproductions of the most interesting items can be touched.

  • Where to rest If you want to have a break or channel the interest of your children use the intentionally placed education corners on each floor of the main display. They are equiped with chairs, sofas and items for your kids.

  • Museum Store If you look for a unique gift with baltic amber you came to the right spot! Our store will provide you with fairly priced nice jewelry and museum merch. You will find the store near the exit.

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

  • Induction loop Cash desk is equipped in an induction loop.

Did You know that?

  • What is the most valuable exhibit in our Museum? One may consider the world's largest spider inclusion preserved in amber, the record breaking, 68-kilogramme amber chunk from Sumatra or a 330 year old set of chess, which is still in great condition. Fans of design will certainly point out the modern jewelry collection. Visit us and leave your remark!
  • Amber, a fossilized tree resin, can be found across the globe. The only "white spot" is the South Pole, but nobody tried to look for amber under the thick icecaps. Amongst all resins one, the Baltic Amber, which is 50 million years old, is the most appreciated and known for its colors and health properties.
  • Built by the Teutonic Knights before 1364, the Great Mill is one of the the grandest constructions in Gdańsk. It was also the largest industrial plant in Europe during the Middle Ages. The mill functioned until the end of WWII. It was rebuild in 1962 and renovated in 2021.

Visiting time

Visiting the museum takes not less than 2 hours. Be prepared for a longer journey through time or another visit.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit in Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.

For families

The main display is also prepared for kids. They will find many attractions, education corners with puzzles, information and images.
October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed.
Grafika. Czerwony kontur bryły budynku Ratusza Głównego Miasta.

Main Town Hall

Main Town Hall stands at the convergence of Długa and Długi Targ streets. The origins of the edifice go down to the early Middle Ages. From mid-15th century and up to the year 1921 it was the seat of the city authorities. This Gothic and Renaissance building features one of the most beautiful Renaissance halls in Northern Europe. In the summertime, the tower offers a panoramic view of Gdańsk.

How to get there

Museum address:

Dluga 46/47

80-831 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM

We're closed on

1st & 6th of January
30th-31th of March
30th of May
1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December

Summer 2023

From June 3rd to October 1st the museum will be open daily from 10 AM till 6 PM with exception of Mondays - from 12 AM till 6 PM.


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)
  • 90 day pass all branches - normal
  • 90 day pass all branches - reduced
  • Ticket - sightseeing point
  • Reduced ticket - sightseeing point

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 45 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Family ticket - up to 8 people, including 1-2 adults
with children under 18.

See the photo gallery.
The building itself has many things of interest to offer - the oldest door in Gdańsk, the dungeons, and secret passages.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Fragment obrazu Apoteoza Gdańska Izaaka van den Blocka.


The entrance for visitors is accessible from Długa 46/47 St. (through the gate next to the old stairway). On the right, there is a museum ticket office, followed by a temporary exhibition hall – the Palowa Gallery. Guests on wheelchairs can visit the museum thanks to the lift. The entrance leading to the lift is located at the back of the building, accessible from Piwna 35/37 St.

  • Cloakroom There are two cloakrooms. The first one is in the Palowa Gallery, close to the ticket office. The second, located close to the Red Hall on the first floor is opened usually during special events.

  • Lockers Luggage lockers are available near the ticket office of the Palowa Gallery.

  • Lift If you want to use the elevator, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator 2-3 days in advance. This will allow us to prepare for your visit. The lift takes you to all levels of the exhibition halls except for the observation tower.

  • Assistive Listening Devices One of our cash desks is equipped in an induction loop. You can buy ticket and receive information in a comfortable way.

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

  • Ramp A ramp allows wheelchair users to visit the Great Council Hall. The ramp is available on the first weekend of each month (Friday-Monday). If you wish to use the ramp at a different time, please inform the Accessibility Coordinator at least 3 days in advance.

  • Induction loop Left station of cash desk is equipped in an induction loop.

  • Walkers There are three walkers in the facility. They can be borrowed free of charge for the duration of the visit.

Did You know that?

  • The Main Town Hall was the place where decisions affecting the entire city were made. The city-dwellers gave the building glamorous interiors, their finish dating back to the grand times in the history of Gdańsk, the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • The prime indoor spaces are: the Great Weta Hall (White Hall) and the Great Council Hall (Red Hall).
  • When in the Red Hall, it is worth looking up to see the painting on the ceiling, entitled ‘The Apotheosis of Gdańsk’ which tells the story of the city’s might through allegory.

Visiting time

Visiting exhibition halls of the Main Town Hall takes a minimum of 45 minutes. If you want to go to the viewpoint you need an additional 30 minutes. Visiting the temporary exhibition also takes approximately 30 minutes.


In the summertime, from May till end of September, the tower offers a panoramic view of Gdańsk. It is closed in the case of a threat to the health of visitors - during rainfall or strong wind. The viewpoint is closed starting from October 1st till...

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit in Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.

Carillon concerts

Carillons on the tower of the Main Town Hall play in automatic mode at full hours, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Manually performed live concerts are held on Saturdays at 12.05 p.m.

Stairs ahead!

Hundreds of steps connect exhibition rooms located on several floors. Additional 200 await in the staircase, which leads to the top of the tower.
Grafika. Logotyp Galerii Palowa.

The Palowa Gallery

The Palowa Gallery is a space for temporary exhibitions at the Main Town Hall. It was opened on January 18, 2018. If you are interested in deepening your knowledge about Gdańsk we kindly recommend you to visit it. Right now we are hosting an exhibition "MODUS OPERANDI. 75 STRIKES" Topography of crime scenes commited by one offender in the years 1977 – 1983 in Pomerania" by polish Artist Dorota Nieznalska.

How to get there

Museum address:

Długa 46/47

80-831 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM

We are closed on

1st & 6th of January
30th-31th of March
30th of May
1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December

The gallery is closed in between the past and upcoming temporary exhibitions.


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 45 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

See the photo gallery with images of the temporary exhibition "MODUS OPERANDI. 75 STRIKES. Topography of crime scenes commited by one offender in the years 1977 – 1983 in Pomerania"

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Wnętrze Galerii Palowa. Głębokie pomieszczenie o białych i ceglanych ścianach. Brązowa, kamienna posadzka. Na środku i pod ścianami stoją podświetlone gabloty.


The Palowa Gallery is fully adapted to the needs of the disabled.

  • Cloakroom The open cloakroom is available in the room left of the ticket office.

  • Lockers Luggage lockers are available in the room to the left of the ticket office.

  • Toilet Located left of the main exhibition hall. It is fully adapted to the needs of the disabled.

Visiting time

Visiting our temporary exhibitions usually takes up to 30 minutes.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit to Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.
October 25th - closed. October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed. November 30th - open until 3:00 PM. Closing of the Painting Gallery in October: 17th, 26th, 27th.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Dwór Artusa.

Artus Court

The Artus Court opposite the famous Neptune fountain is nicknamed the parlour of historical Gdańsk. The works of arts or their replicas accumulated here refer to legends and myths of the ancient times and the Middle Ages. Here you will see the largest tiled stove of Europe; being 10.64 metres high it is lined with 530 richly adorned tiles.

How to get there

Museum address:

Długi Targ 43/44

80-831 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM

We are closed on

1st & 6th of January
30th-31st of March
30th of May
1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)
  • 90 day pass all branches - normal
  • 90 day pass all branches - reduced

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 45 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Family ticket - up to 8 people, including 1-2 adults
with children under 18.

The immense Gothic chamber has been filled with the works of art founded by the brotherhoods of the Artus Court in the time from the 15th to the 19th century.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Fragment rzeźby św. Jerzego. Dwie postaci, król i królowa, wyglądają przez okna.
  • Cloakroom There is a cloakroom open to tourists

  • Lockers Luggage lockers are available

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

  • Walkers There are three walkers in the facility. They can be borrowed free of charge for the duration of the visit.

Did You know that?

  • King Arthur, the legendary leader of the Celt, was chosen to be the patron of the site. The inhabitants of historical Gdańsk made references to the symbol of equality and partnership associated with him, i.e. the Round Table at which the king would sit together with his knights.
  • The earliest mention of the building comes from the year 1350. In its history, the Artus Court underwent several redevelopments and served different functions.
  • From the mid-18th century onwards up to the year 1932 the Court housed a corn exchange. Ruined during the Second World War, the building has been restored.

Visiting time

Visiting the Artus Court takes a minimum of 30 minutes.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit to Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.

Wheelchair users

Wheelchair users can visit the facility using the entrance from Chlebnicka Street, where the ramp is unfolded. Visiting the facility by people using electric wheelchairs is currently impossible due to technical reasons (too narrow historical...

Tactile materials

You can use tactile graphic of the Artus Court façade with audio description, located nearby main entrance. At the museum's ticket office, you can borrow a Braille guide with additional tactile graphics.
October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Dom Uphagena.

Uphagen House

A visit at the Uphagen House will take you on a journey back in time. You can gain an insight into the day-to-day life of a rich burgher of the 18th century. You will first set your foot in the hall with its glamorous stairway and tea room; then you will be led to an elegant living room, a large dining room, and small sitting rooms, e.g. a music room. The stairs behind the small dining room will take you back down, to the ground floor and the utility rooms.

How to get there

Museum address:

Długa 12

80-827 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM

We are closed on

1st & 6th of January
30th-31st of March
30th of May
1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)
  • 90 day pass all branches - normal
  • 90 day pass all branches - reduced

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 30 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Family ticket - up to 8 people, including 1-2 adults
with children under 18.

Johann Uphagen purchased the townhouse in 1775, then redeveloped and furnished it. In the 20th century the building was turned into a museum.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie malunku na drewnie. Postać męska trzyma w ręku tamburyn, tańczy. Ma na sobie złotą tunikę, duże wąsy, niebieski odcień skóry. W lewym dolnym rogu zdjęcia widać ślad po dziurce od klucza.


The back yard offers a place to rest any time from spring to autumn.

  • Cloakroom There is a cloakroom in the museum.

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

  • Walkers There are three walkers in the facility. They can be borrowed free of charge for the duration of the visit.

Did You know that?

  • Johann Uphagen purchased the townhouse in 1775, then redeveloped and furnished it. In the 20th century the building was turned into a museum. In the times of World War Two, German historic conservators evacuated the fittings and fixtures. The tradition of the museum was revived in 1998 when the Museum of Burgeois interiors was opened here.
  • Worth attention is the sitting room panelled in wood and decorated with Chinese motifs and three small sitting rooms decorated with images of insects, flowers, and birds.

Visiting time

It takes about 30 minutes to visit the musuem.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit in Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.
October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Muzeum Poczty Polskiej.

Museum of the Polish Post Office

This is one of the spots on the map where the World War Two broke out. The heroic defence of the facility by the employees of the Polish Post on 1 September 1939 went down in history. The Museum portrays the battle as it developed and the fate of the defenders. You can also learn how postal services were organised in the past and get an insight into the day-to-day life in the Free City of Gdańsk.

How to get there

Museum address:

plac Obrońców Poczty Polskiej 1/2

80-839 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM

We are closed on

1st & 6th of January
30th-31st of March
30th of May
1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)
  • 90 day pass all branches - normal
  • 90 day pass all branches - reduced

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 30 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Family ticket - up to 8 people, including 1-2 adults
with children under 18.

The exhibition in the Museum offers an interesting insight into the histories of the Poles of the Free City of Danzig (Gdańsk).

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Fragment radiostacji. Czarny blat i tylnia ścianka, na nich guziki i pokrętła. Na pierwszym planie telefoniczna tarcza numerowa.
  • Cloakroom There is a cloakroom in the museum.

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

  • Walkers There are three walkers in the facility. They can be borrowed free of charge for the duration of the visit.

Did You know that?

  • The Free City of Danzig was the city-state which existed from 1920 to 1939. Its parallel administration doubled Polish and German institutions; there were also two separate postal services in the city. The idea of incorporating Gdańsk into Germany became one of the causes of the outbreak of World War Two. On 1 September 1939, an attack was launched on the Polish Post and Telegraph Office, now the Museum of the Polish Post Office in Gdańsk. The monument next to the building commemorates its heroic defendants.

Visiting time

It takes about 30 minutes to visit the museum.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit in Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Muzeum Nauki Gdańskiej.

Gdańsk Museum of Science

The museum is arranged in the tower of St Catherine’s Church. Its main attraction is a collection of clocks, the oldest built in the Middle Ages. It was here that the first pulsar clock in the world was set in motion in the year 2011. Visitors can also see a clock mechanism with the longest pendulum in the world. On the way up to the vantage point on the tower you will pass the carillon, i.e. a musical instrument composed of bells.

How to get there

Museum address:

Wielkie Młyny 10

80-856 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


Open from 27th of April 2024.


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)
  • 90 day pass all branches - normal
  • 90 day pass all branches - reduced

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 45 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Family ticket - up to 8 people, including 1-2 adults
with children under 18.

The Museum was first formed in 1996 as a Tower Clock Museum – the only institution of the kind in Poland. The collection of clocks accumulated here covers the span of time from the 14th to the 21st century.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Mechanizm zegara kolebnikowego na wystawie. W tle grafika, na niej tarcza zegarowa.
  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

Did You know that?

  • Its gem is a foliot clock, a rarity in Europe. The collection further includes two record-setters: the first pulsar clock in the world (receiving impulses emitted by pulsar stars) and a clock with the longest pendulum in the world (31.22 m long).
  • Gdańsk is the only city in Poland which can take pride in having functioning carillons, not to mention that there are three of them here. The instrument in the tower of St Catherine’s is made up of 50 bells. Concerts are given on each Friday, and several times a week in the summer.

Visiting time

It takes about 30 minutes to visit the museum.


It is at the top of the tower of the museum. In the ticket price you can see the panoramic view of Old Town of Gdańsk.

Carillon concerts

Gdańsk is the only city in Poland which can take pride in having working carillons, not to mention that there are three of them here. The instrument in the tower of St Catherine’s is made up of 50 bells. Concerts are given on each Friday at 5 p.m.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit in Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.

Stairs ahead!

Hundreds of steps await your visit! Gothic staircases were prepared to defend the facility in case of an enemy attack. That is why they are so tight and winding. When leaving the tower, be kind to those who have just started their journey...
Open from 29th of May 2024.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Westerplatte - Wartownia nr 1.

Guardhouse no 1. at Westerplatte

At 4.48 a.m on 1st of September 1939, the German battleship, Schleswig Holstein, paying a courtesy visit to Gdańsk, began shelling Westerplatte, where the Polish Military Transit Depot was located. The battle lasted seven days. Guardhouse No. 1 was one of the key links in the chain of the Polish defence.

How to get there

Museum address:

Majora Henryka Sucharskiego 70

80-601 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season

Guardhouse No. 1 is open on public holidays.


Open from 29th of May 2024.


  • Normal rate
  • Reduced rate

Basic information

Tickets can be purchased up to 30 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

Guardhouse No. 1 is the only museum at Westerplatte. The interiors are open to the public since 1974.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Przedwojenne radio. Prostokątna, drewniana obudowa, w dole trzy czarne pokrętła. Po lewej i na radiu leżą małe, skórzane futerały i inne drobne przedmioty.
  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

Did You know that?

  • As of 1926, Poland had its Military Transit Depot or the Polish arms and ammunition reloading terminal on Westerplatte. Guardhouse No. 1 was one of six sentry posts built here in the nineteen thirties. Today, it is the only facility accessible to tourists.
  • In the demolition works of 1967 the building was spared and moved to its present location.

Visiting time

The visit to the Guardhouse No. 1 takes about 20 minutes.

Where can I find the monument?

The promenade, which leads to the mound built in the 1960s and the monument standing on the top of it, starts near the Guardhouse No. 1. Opposite to the monument one cannot miss the inscription "No More War".

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior of the Guardhouse and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit in Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.
October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Twierdza Wisłoujście.

Wisłoujście Fortress

The Wisłoujście Fortress is the oldest coastal fortress of the Polish seacoast. In the modern times, it is often called the Gate to the Republic of Poland. The impressive fortification protected ships on their way to the port of Gdańsk. It also played the function of a lighthouse, the berthing site of the Polish fleet, and a prison.

How to get there

Museum address:

Stara Twierdza 1

80-551 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM

Reopening soon!

You can visit us from April 27th

We are closed on

1st of November
24th-25th of December
31st of December


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate
  • Family ticket(max. 2 adults & 6 children)

Wisłoujście Fortress is made up of several rings of buildings. The tower erected in the very centre in 1482 is the oldest element of the compound.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. W otwartym oknie na parapecie siedzi mężczyzna w stroju historycznym, gra na skrzypcach. Jedna noga zwisa mu na zewnątrz. Po prawej skrzydło okiennicy, ceglane ściany.

Did You know that?

  • Wisłoujście Fortress is made up of several rings of buildings built mostly between XVI & XVII cent. The tower, dated 1482, is the oldest of the them all. The latter is also the oldest lighthouse in Poland.
  • At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Wisłoujście Fortress was a small, living town. The number of crew reached 120 people. It was inhabited by soldiers, musketeers, artillerymen and officers. In addition to the soldiers and their families, historical sources also mention: chaplains, sextons, a bell ringer, teachers for the crew's children, paramedics, writers... and many others.
  • Climbing floor after floor up the tower, the visitor can learn the history of the Vistula mouth and the changing function the fortress played. The topmost floor opens onto a viewing terrace offering a panoramic view of the city and the Bay of Gdańsk.

Visiting time

It takes 60 minutes to visit the fortress, but we recommend to save at least 2-3 hours. Secrets of the ruins hidden behind the trees at the Eastern Bulwark & remnants of German U-boots from II WW are exhibited outside of the fortress.

What's the easiest way to get to the Fortress?

We recommend using car or bike. There are approximately 30 parking spaces near the entrance gate to the Fort.

How to get there by public transport?

Take buses 106 and 138 to the Pokładowa stop, then travel 1,400 meters along Pokładowa and Charpentiera streets (approx. 18 minutes).

How to prepare?

Due to the weather conditions, dress warmly and comfortably. Remember to protect yourself from the rain, take an umbrella or a jacket. And wear comfortable, sturdy shoes.

Napoleonic Barracks

From now on, they will be open all year round. You will visit the exhibition "From Batory to Grom. How we create the Wisłoujście Fortress" collection.
Grafika. Logotyp oddziału Kuźnia Wodna.

Hammer Forge at Oliwa

The Hammer Forge is an authentic specimen of early technology, the only surviving site of the type. It is the largest and longest operated power hammer forge of Oliwa. The facility remained in operation for about 350 years utilising the power of the dammed water of the Oliwa Brook.

How to get there

Museum address:

Bytowska 1

80-328 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Closed during the winter season


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate

Tickets can be purchased up to 30 minutes
before the closing of the museum.

Reduced tickets - pupils and students,
retirees and pensioners on the basis of a valid ID.

The bird-view on the Water Forge in Oliwa.

Related news

Logotyp Muzeum Gdańska.

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department
Zdjęcie. Zbliżenie na kowadło. Na kowadle umocowano podkowę.


The building is not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

  • Toilet The museum has a common container toilet located close to the entrance.

  • Cloakroom The museum has no cloakroom. You can enter with your belongings or leave them at the ticket booth.

  • Souvenirs You can buy souvenirs at the ticket booth.

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:

Did You know that?

  • As of the end of the 17th century, the course of the Oliwa Brook was studded with about 25 mills. They ground corn, produced paper, and forged metals of which blacksmiths produced various utensils. The first written record of the Hammer Forge, incorporated in the Museum of Gdańsk in 2018, comes from the year 1597. It was closed down only in 1948.
  • The timber building is made up of two parts erected on both banks of the Oliwa Brook and a roofed bridge between them.
  • The Hammer Forge has three authentic water wheels. Two of them, 4 metres in diameter, power quarter-tonne hammers; the third wheel, 3.1 metres in diameter, powers eccentric sheers – the guillotine. The hammer support structure comes from the second half of the 19th century or early 20th century.

Visiting time

A standard tour takes a maximum of 30 minutes.

Guided tours

A service of a guide is included in the price of the ticket.

Taking photos

If you liked one of our exhibits or a particular interior and you want to keep them as a reminder of your visit to Gdańsk, feel free to take a photo without using flash.
October 28th - closed. November 1st - closed.

Foregate Complex

The Foregate complex occupies the Gothic and Renaissance buildings of the Prison Tower and Torture House. Back in history, it was the place where offenders were sentenced and kept prisoners; today, the historic interiors we present two exhibitions: "Gdańsk more beautiful than ever" and "Once a city gate, now a museum". The museum tower offer a vantage point to admire the panorama of the city.

How to get there

Museum address:

Targ Węglowy

80-836 Gdańsk

Opening hours


  • 10 AM - 4 PM (free admission)


  • closed


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 6 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • 10 AM - 4 PM


  • Regular rate
  • Reduced rate

Basic information

The ticket office is in Manufaktura of Amber S&A Shop (entry from the courtyard)

Tickets can be purchased up to 45 minutes before the closing of the museum.

The Foregate complex occupies the Gothic and Renaissance buildings of the Prison Tower and Torture House. Back in history, it was the place where offenders were sentenced and kept prisoners; today, the historic interiors we present two exhibitions

Related news

Do you need more information?

Tourist Service Department


You will find rest areas on the upper levels of the exhibition.

  • Lift There's no lift in the building.

  • Visiting time Visiting the Foregate Complex takes a minimum of 45 minutes.

  • Accessibility The museum is not available for wheelchair users

  • Accessibility Do you have questions about the accessibility of the facility for people with special needs? Please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Paula Wilczyńska. Call or text her: +48509226351. You can also write an e-mail:


The tower offers a panoramic view of Gdańsk.

Stairs ahead!

Hundreds of steps connect exhibition rooms located on several floors. Additional steps await in the staircase, which leads to the top of the tower.

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